SME need far-reaching reliefs

Mario Ohoven, chairman of the Federal association of small and medium-sized companies (BVMW), has expressed himself on a new law designed to relieve small and medium-sized entities (SME) of various burdens which is currently dealt with by the German Parliament: The law was a first important step on the way to a reduction of beaurocratic burdens weighing on companies. The abolition of certain obligations to fill in documents for statistical reasons was giving the right signals. However, SME still cannot be completely satisfied with the solutions reached:

“Instead of lifting the threshold values above which companies have to comply with statistical obligations in such a way that all companies with less than 20 employees are released from such obligations altogether right from the start, the legislature creates new confusion: In some instances the reliefs apply to companies with more than 10 employees, in others to those with more than 20 and then again it is the turnover which is decisive”.

What SME need is a deburdening law of a piece. Specific proposals in this respects have already been submitted by the BVMW and other trade associations. GERMAN
