Job advertisements on the internet have become matter of course

In Germany 94% of all businesses are looking for new employees on the internet. Particularly popular among businesses are online job markets such as Stepstone, Jobscout or Monster which are used by 59% of all businesses. Half of all businesses publish job ads on their homepages. One quarter places the ads in specialized online job markets used by certain lines of industry or professional groups. This is the finding of a survey carried out by BITKOM.

Another 20 percent make use of other online services such as social networks like Xing or StudiVZ as well as regional internet services. “The internet has become an indispensable means for businesses in order to find new personnel“, says Prof. August-Wilhelm Scheer, BITKOM chairman. “Many businesses nowadays even prefer an application over the internet to a traditional letter box application”.

However, according to BITKOM, the job markets in traditional print media remain an important tool for recruiting new personnel. Thus, 85% of businesses look for new staff using newspapers or specialist magazines. Two thirds publish job ads in daily or weekly newspapers and one quarter in specialist magazines while 16% use other kinds of print media.

A less important role in the search for new personnel play the job agencies. Just 39% of German businesses inform the Federal job agency on job vacancies. In the IT industry in which there is a particularly high demand for highly qualified personnel only 28% of businesses try to find new staff reporting vacancies to the Federal job agency. GERMAN
