Tchibo is Germany´s most renowned retail brand name

Tchibo, Aldi, Ikea and dm are Germany´s most important retail brand names. In a cross-sectoral ranking of 80 trade companies carried out by the BBDO Consulting management consultancy, Tchibo came first with a brand name index of 7.62 (on a scale from 1 to 10) followed closely by the Aldi discounter (7.54) and the Swedish company Ikea (7.51).

This ranking is based on the recent “Retail Brands in Germany – brand names and brand images” study which provides an overview of the most important brand names of the German trade business. The data for the study were collected in September 2007 through interviewing more than 2000 people aged at least 16.

The ranking by the BBDO Consulting brand name experts is the first such comprehensive analysis of the brand name strength of German retail companies. In this analysis, in a multi-phase model the brand name strength is measured from the perspective of clients. The brand name strength is then the result of the combination of both brand name awareness and brand name utility. GERMAN

Here a list of the German top ten retail brands by brand name strength:

Rank Brand name Brand strength index Sector
1 Tchibo 7.62 miscellaneous
2 Aldi 7.54 food retail trade
3 Ikea 7.51 furniture retail trade
4 dm 7.43 drug store
5 C&A 7.37 textile trade
6 Lidl 7.32 food retail trade
7 Weltbild 7.31 book trade
8 Douglas 7.14 miscellaneous
9 Galeria Kaufhof 7.04 department store
10 Rossmann 7.01 drug store
