Learning software has high potential for business

Turnover in learning software is expected to increase by 16% to 49 million Euros this year in Germany, says the German Association for Information Technology, Telecommunications and New Media (BITKOM). Most demanded is language learning software with a market share of 37% followed by general learning software for children with a market share of 25% and science learning software together with computer training software with a market share of 8% each.

The above findings are based on a study carried out by the GfK market research institute which was commissioned by BITKOM. This study analysed the opinions of final consumers.

Thus, interactive software has already established itself as a new way of learning for many children and adults. If this development were to continue, then there would be a sustainable breakthrough, says BITKOM. Computer based learning has a great potential and should be more used in particular in the field of institutional education.

In this respect schools play a very important role. Multimedial applications could complement theoretical knowledge by combining it with pictures, sounds and films thus making it more vivid. Another important advantage of learning software is also the possibility to update contents at any time and to adapt it to new curricula.

In particular for the software and book trade the above figures signal first class business opportunities. In particular the book trade due to its traditional distributory function for educational media is a particularly credible channel highly regarded by the population. GERMAN
