Model of EU consortium agreement available online

As of now it is possible for applicants to EU research projects to download the official specimen copy of the DESCA syndicate agreement. This specimen copy can be used as a model for syndicate agreements which is prescribed for most of the international research projects sponsored by the EU.

With the beginning of the 7th research frame programme the German »Consortium Agreement Team« together with other European partners from R&D and business have now presented a simplified model consortium agreement which is now available online.

The specimen was compiled by the Helmholtz offices in Brussels in the course of the »DESCA« (Development of a Simplified FP7 Model Consortium Agreement) initiative. The DESCA model makes it easier for applicants to EU research projects to draw up consortium agreements which suit the needs of all the parties involved. Since the 6th research frame programme the closing of such agreements among project partners of most EU research projects is compulsory. They are meant to lay down contractually important aspects of co-operation such as the distribution of power within the project, patent rights and liability.

Everyone wishing to know more about the model agreement and its background is invited to take part in a presentation event which will take place on June 22nd in Brussels. The event is free of charge and regis- tration is possible until June 15th. The event’s agenda and a registration form are available online. GERMAN
