Marketing days in Erfurt marked by Europe

There will be a series of events organized by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Erfurt which are called “marketing days” and will take place under the motto “Europe – people, markets, marketing”. In total there will be seven seminars and workshops organized between September 5th and 15th which address in particular small and medium-sized entities (SMEs). Participants will be given concrete stimuli for action, advice and ideas on how to work out innovative marketing strategies.

Experienced speakers from science and economy as well as from the marketing club in Erfurt will accompany participants in talks, discussions and exchanges of experiences.

Overall view of events:

  • Middle  and Eastern Europe – growth markets providing big opportunities – market entry into the Czech Republic (on September 5th)
  • Being successful on the Italian market (September 6th)
  • Intensive marketing workshop (September 7th to 9th)
  • How to use trade fairs optimally (September 11th)
  • Market launch of new products (September 13th)
  • The Russian business culture – preconditions for doing business in and with Russia successfully (September 14th)
  • France and SMEs – Selling without branch offices (September 15th)
  • More information, an application form and a description of how to reach the venue are available for download on the website of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce in Erfurt. GERMAN
